Have you ever thought of being limited because of amputation? Or have you ever hesitated in doing something because of your heavy, slippery and painful prosthetic limb? Did you put some dreams on hold because you felt restricted to realize them with your amputation?
Then, Instalimb is all you need – with a unique combination of high quality and affordability, it sets apart from other prosthetics. It will enable you to not only walk comfortably, but work as well as climb with ease. This is your chance to enjoy an active lifestyle!
Closely working with Japanese doctors and certified prosthetists, Instalimb has changed the hundreds of lives of amputees in the Philippines since 2019. Now in 2022, we are ready to serve in India.
Accelerate your life with your new partner that enables you to step forward.
Machine learning (AI) will enable everyone to use the skill and technique of a professional prosthetist and orthotist.
Our specialized 3D-CAD for prosthetic design has realized significantly reduced design time.
Specialized 3D printer and materials have successfully reduced production time by 1/10 of the conventional production process.
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